A rip in your stockings might give you reason to pout, but with a little creativity, you can turn those torn hose into toys that make children smile. Pantyhose dolls are a great way to be imaginative, ...
A Ndebele doll, (pronounced In-de-bey-lay) is a doll created by the Zulu women of the South African Ndebele tribe. The dolls are decorated with traditional Zulu styles of women's clothing, which ...
Created by Barbie designer Stacey McBride-Irby, the new So In Style dolls feature four mixed race dolls with authentic looks from their facial expressions down to the clothes they wear. Reflecting on ...
Creation: A Voodoo doll is either made by a Voodoo Queen or Doctor or a specialist is commissioned by a Voodoo Queen or Doctor to create a specific doll. This can only be done after the spirits have ...
I've made dolls a long time, just because I love dolls. And I think when it was socially inappropriate for me to play with them, making them was the next step. I was just making, actually ...