In the dystopian world of the TV series, a heat-adapted version of the cordyceps fungus takes over humans, turning them into zombies. In reality, the caterpillar fungus may be capable of saving ...
explains how the fungus infects ants, before pointing out that if the world gets warmer due to climate change then Cordyceps could evolve and target humanity. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter ...
“It’s a bit grim, but it’s all part of the remarkable natural world,” he added. No need to worry yet though The Last of Us fans, even though the Cordyceps fungus is real – it can’t affect humans as it ...
but experts say the premise of a fungal pandemic in humans is science fiction, at least for now. In "The Last of Us", a fungus called cordyceps turns humans into mind-controlled zombies. While ...
Whereas the fictionalized version of the Cordyceps fungus transforms otherwise healthy humans into rabid, mindless zombies ...
In the old days, Chinese people thought that the caterpillar fungus (Dong chong xiz cao) were worms. However, after years of study, it was found that it really is a fruiting body produced by the ...
In the dystopian world of the TV series, a heat-adapted version of the cordyceps fungus takes over humans, turning them into zombies. In reality, the caterpillar fungus may be capable of saving lives ...
Cordyceps fungus has been described as a very effective herb for treating ... beyond offering a few toxic medications. Then they tend to steer people with pain away from those health practitioners who ...
Cordyceps might increase testosterone levels. But it's not clear if this is a big concern. People taking testosterone should be cautious until more is known about this potential interaction.
And a ruined USA filled to bursting with cannibalistic humans that have been infected and driven mad by the (very real) Cordyceps fungus, no less. As anyone who has watched the show’s nail ...