It is exactly what it sounds like - a little step before the bottom of the toilet bowl for you to inspect your stool before flushing it away. But why do Dutch toilets have a shelf? The toilet design ...
Scrub the stains vigorously with the brush. Flush the toilet. Inspect the toilet bowl for remaining stains. If necessary, apply an acid-based commercial toilet bowl cleaner to the stains. Wear gloves ...
Commercial bathroom cleaning agents and everyday household products like distilled white vinegar will eliminate and remove S.
You can also find it in commercial fruit drinks and certain household cleaning supplies. Like other acids, citric acid can help you remove stains and rust deposits from toilet bowls without causing ...
If cleaning your shower and toilet is your least favourite thing to do, here’s how to get it over and done with in record ...
To clean the toilet brush, add 1/4 cup of bleach to the freshly cleaned toilet bowl water and submerge the head of the brush. Allow it to soak for at least 30 minutes before rinsing and allowing ...