Safe Drinking Water Act was signed into law, we still face major threats to this essential resource. Here are 5 big ones.
On December 16, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Safe Drinking Water Act. Fifty years later, it remains one of ...
The state Environmental Protection Commission focused on Iowa drinking water at its December meeting with a commemoration of ...
We assess the history, effectiveness, and efficiency of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act and obtain four main conclusions. First, water pollution has fallen since these laws were passed ...
The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a proposal redefining US waters under the Clean Water Act. Farm and agriculture lobbyists have pushed for these changes since 2015. But ...
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that sewage plants and other industries cannot avoid environmental requirements under landmark clean-water protections when they send dirty water on an indirect route.
WASHINGTON— The Environmental Integrity Project, Waterkeeper Alliance and Center for Biological Diversity today sent to EPA a notice of intent to sue the agency for its failure to implement a key ...