目指すはビジネスカジュアルの新定番 こちらは、東京を拠点とするフットウェアブランド「SLACK FOOTWEAR」が、靴職人とデザイナーのコラボレーションによって作り上げたMADE IN JAPANのプロダクト。 Photo: 山科拓郎 ご覧の通り、そのルックスは革靴とスニーカー ...
Retail chains are also switching to casual wear for work, marketing "workleisure" and "business comfort" to encourage sales. This also means that what was considered business casual before the ...
So, you’ve finally landed that dream job and now you can take pride in your accomplishments and focus on your goals. But what ...
ランドセル市場に8800円(税込み)という低価格商品で今年参入し話題をさらった作業服大手のワークマンが、今度は大人向けビジネスバッグを ...
You can find her bylines across more than 20 publications. “A great way to think of styling jeans for business casual attire is to pull in some of what you would relate to as conventionally ...
It’s not just the type of jeans you need to think about when asking can jeans be business casual. What you wear with your jeans is just as important and this is where you look to the ‘business’ side ...