A chess engineor chess engineis software designed to play chess with a skill level that surpasses even the best grandmasters.
The top chess playing computers clock in at super grandmaster level but they are not self-taught). [Matthew] did the work as part of his Master’s degree program. His paper covers how Giraffe’s ...
Of course, the tricky part is explaining the whole corporeal thing to a piece of software on your computer. Enter the “Chess Challenger” by [slash/byte]. Modeled after a commercial gadget of ...
Chess enthusiasts? Aspiring grandmaster? Ripstone are back, with Chess Infinity on Xbox, PlayStation and PC in tow. It’s been a while since we last heard from Ripstone, the publisher behind ...
This project aims at accurate digital reconstruction of a chess board based off of a user provided image. Currently, our approach has consisted of using a combination of neural networks for deep ...