Want the best venison backstrap recipes? These three dishes will have everyone cleaning their plates and coming back for ...
Alice Jones Webb The backstrap is a super lean and tender strip of meat that runs along a deer’s spine, stretching from the shoulder blades to the last vertebra. There are two backstraps ...
Just the other day I found another package of backstrap from that same blacktail. Thank goodness for the vacuum sealer as that two-year old deer meat was in perfect condition. No freezer burn at all.
There is a widespread misconception that tenderloins are the long cut of meat that runs alongside a deer’s spine on TOP of the animal. This is incorrect, and I’ve mistakenly called them that, myself.
Photo courtesy of Forrest Fisher At 1-year old, the vacuum-packed venison backstrap on the ... protein-filled red meat of local healthy whitetail deer, there are various ways that folks use ...
At 1-year old, the vacuum-packed venison backstrap on the left is beginning to leak some air — that can ... That’s a lot of venison to store, and if you are like most hunters who enjoy the fat-free, ...