Want the best venison backstrap recipes? These three dishes will have everyone cleaning their plates and coming back for ...
Alice Jones Webb The backstrap is a super lean and tender strip of meat that runs along a deer’s spine, stretching from the shoulder blades to the last vertebra. There are two backstraps ...
Just the other day I found another package of backstrap from that same blacktail. Thank goodness for the vacuum sealer as that two-year old deer meat was in perfect condition. No freezer burn at all.
There is a widespread misconception that tenderloins are the long cut of meat that runs alongside ... In reality, this arm-length cut is the backstrap, not the tenderloin. True tenderloins are found ...
Getty Images Let's face it, sometimes people get tired of ham on Christmas. Whether it is the taste or the ever increasing ...
Photo courtesy of Forrest Fisher At 1-year old, the vacuum-packed venison backstrap on the ... protein-filled red meat of local healthy whitetail deer, there are various ways that folks use ...
At 1-year old, the vacuum-packed venison backstrap on the left is beginning to leak ... GMO-free, protein-filled red meat of local healthy whitetail deer, there are various ways that folks use to keep ...