だいぶ前に買ったArduino UNOなので、バージョンとかそういうのがあるのかもよくわかりませんが、ピンアサインについて調べてみました。 と言っていたら、やっぱりバージョン?Revision?は必要になりそうなので、まずはバージョンから調べてみました。
This is a simple node.js library for controlling multiple arduino boards and groups of pins. This is intended to be a fairly low-level library that exposes an API ...
This is a C++ library for the Arduino IDE that helps interface with an AMIS-30543 micro-stepping stepper motor driver. It uses the Arduino SPI library to communicate with the SPI interface (CS, DO, DI ...
(Just simply defining the pin here as 10). Could you help guide me in the right direction and offer ... You should be able to replace the whole AHB_WRITE_32 and AHB_READ_32 functions in the ...
I want to use arduino(UNO DUE Nano) to control ADS1298 by SPI interface. my setup is following: J3.3 SCLK connected to Arduino pin 13 J3.7 CS complement connected to Arduino pin 10 (CS default) J3.8 ...