PowerPC G4/1.25GHzをデュアル搭載し、Mac OS XまたはMac OS 9で動作するタワーPC。グラフィックカードにATI RADEON 9000 PROを採用し、CD ...
本日アップルコンピュータから発表された“Power Mac G5 Dual”シリーズおよび、新“PowerBook G4”シリーズ、リモコンやウェブカメラが付属する新 ...
アップルコンピュータ(株 ... 価格は24万9800円。PowerPC G4-1.25GHzを搭載し、グラフィックスアクセラレーターに米エヌビディア社のGeForce FX 5200 Ultra ...
A retro tech enthusiast has revitalized a classic Apple iMac G4 ‘lampshade’ computer with a state-of-the-art M4 injection. Shoehorning one of the new Mac Mini M4 computers into this classic ...
A YouTuber has brought his old iMac G4 into the modern ... and the bright white computer housing made quite an impression. But in 2004, the look was already over, as Apple returned to a more ...
His Tatra is equipped with a 450 MHz Apple G4 computer that is mounted into a case not unlike what houses sophisticated subwoofers in America. But this car's heart turns the car into a rolling ...
アップルが来年初めに発売するとうわさの新製品のスマートホームディスプレーは、iMac G4を彷彿とさせるスタンドを採用する可能性が高いという。
Reports suggest Apple is making new devices for your ... a design that bears striking similarities to the iMac G4 from 2002. This computer featured a screen attached to a moveable arm, with ...