でも、Apple自身も、『Baldur's Gate 3』をMagic KeyboardやMagic Mouseでプレイしてねとは言えなかったようです。AppleはCORSAIR(コルセア)と ...
アップルが一部のMacBookシリーズを対象に実施していた「バタフライキーボードの修理プログラム」が、期間満了により終了した。海外メディア ...
Apple's free butterfly keyboard service program for select MacBooks models ended late last week, nearly six and a half years after it launched. With the program now over, it is no longer ...
Apple no longer offers free repairs for MacBook models with the infamous "butterfly" keyboard, as the repair program for these machines has officially ended. The program was available for a wide ...
CORSAIRは11月18日(米国時間)、同社のゲーマー向けコンパクト&ワイヤレス・キーボードを ... Gaming Mouse」を発表した。Apple限定として、同日より ...
Apple’s iMac is still the most stunning computer that is going to grace your desk, with the M4 chip giving it a boost in ...
If you’ve waited all year to splurge on an Apple device, Black Friday is a good time to buy that Apple Watch or iPad at a ...