In particular, for this review, an Anet A8. If you’re willing to add a little sweat equity and fix up some of the bugs, an A8 can be turned into a good 3D printer on a shoestring budget.
Thus [Chip Jones]’ Thingiverse post of an entirely 3D printed printer frame using a 3D printed ... It uses the parts from an Anet A8 clone of a Prusa i3, upon which it will be interesting ...
For information purposes.... Anet 3D Printer Board V1.0 Schematic (Anet A6 / A8) Anet 3D Printer LCD12864 Graphics LCD Board Schematic (Anet A6 / A8) Anet 3D Printer LCD2004 Keypad LCD Board Schematic ...
This project provides a board definition which enables the Arduino IDE to compile firmware (such as Marlin) for Anet 3D printers. It is used in the SkyNet3D Marlin distribution for Anet printers, but ...