ASP.NET AJAX 4.0ではJavaScriptのライブラリが強化され、今まで以上に高品質、高性能なAJAXアプリケーションの開発が可能になります。本連載では前後編にわたりASP.NET AJAX 4.0の概要を紹介していきます。 前編に当たる今回は、ASP.NET AJAXの振り返りとその問題点 ...
What is AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)? AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique aimed at creating better and faster interactive web apps by combining several programming tools, ...
「Ajaxは一部だけの更新なので速い」という話をよく耳にするのですが、実際ページング処理と比べてどの程度速いのでしょうか?どなたかご存知の方、教えてください。また、実際に検証し... Ajaxが動きません~『status=0』? Ajaxを使うため、 web上の ...
The sites are as follows: AJAX-javascript/ contains an example of client-side processing that submits to the server using raw JS and AJAX. AJAX-jquery/ contains an example of client-side processing ...
An attacker can leverage the reflection to control a part of the response (for example, a JavaScript string) that can be used to trigger the DOM-based vulnerability. Ajax request header manipulation ...
In this section, we'll look at what DOM-based Ajax request-header manipulation is, talk about the potential impact of this kind of attack, and suggest ways to reduce your exposure to Ajax ...
Whether its a minor design flaw or a critical back-end error, Im here to restore functionality with precision. What I Offer: Comprehensive Bug Fixes: I dig deep to identify and eliminate issues in ...