Both involve athletes bouncing more than 26 feet in the air and performing ... At first, the trampoline was used to train astronauts and other athletes training for acrobatic sports but it quickly ...
There will be a total of 32 competitors in trampoline: 16 men and 16 women ... The "time of flight," an electronically measured record of actual time spent in the air, is the third component of the ...
During the competition, athletes perform exercises composed of 10 elements that are scored based on difficulty, execution and time spent in the air ... The trampoline competition will take place at ...
Fans of trampoline parks have several options to choose from. Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park has multiple locations in Houston and offers family fun with several trampoline attractions.
trampoline parks have much lower injury rates. Urban Air, a Texas-based company that owns or has franchised a total of 85 trampoline parks, has a rate of three injuries per 1,000 visits.