The ridged design helped keep the hoop in place, while the soft EVA foam padding made it comfortable to use. It's also possible to dismantle this one, making it great for transporting and storing.
直径約1メートルのプラスチック製の輪。中に入り、腰で回して遊ぶ。昭和33年(1958)秋に大流行。フラダンスのように腰を振って輪を回転させるところからの名。商標名。 goo辞書は無料で使える辞書・辞典の検索サービスです。1999年にポータルサイト初の ...
Upon entry, throw the hula hoop into the field. This ensures the location is picked at random, and when done at least five times should show an adequate representation of what’s in the field.
In the study,12 minutes of hula-hooping a day was the equivalent of walking about 10,000 steps. The most basic hoop exercise — one you probably remember from childhood — involves twirling the hoop ...