The Marvel Cinematic Universe started with the likes of Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. The new DC universe begins with a Nazi-killing robot, an irradiated skeleton man and the bride of ...
CEO James Gunn has responded to theories about the DCU's "big bad," confirming that these movies and TV shows aren't ...
Longstanding superhero MMO DC Universe Online has some big changes and plans for 2025, with new story arcs and even more on ...
and the animated series marks the start of DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn's cinematic DC Universe. As you might expect, ...
James Gunn's new DC Universe will begin this week, and the DCU's first project scored a major rating with critics months ...
Although Ryan Reynolds united several familiar faces in Deadpool & Wolverine, there’s one superhero not even James Gunn could ...
DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn explains why he's fine with Rober Pattinson's Batman not being the Dark Knight of the DC Universe.